
Why Are My Tires Wearing Down Differently?

When your tires are not wearing down in the same way, there are actually several ways to prevent this & we at JTR Repair Lebanon will help you learn now. This information we are about to share will be beneficial in learning how to help your tires last longer and of course, wear closer to the same.

Your Wheels May Need To Be Balanced

There are so many car owners that look at balancing their tires like it is really not something that has to be necessarily done. One thing we know at JTR Repair Lebanon is that anytime your tires are rolling on the ground, is that the proper wheel balancing is critical to the performance of the tire & wheel but also to make sure that the weight is distributed evenly. The best way to compare it is like an unbalanced load in your washing machine. Now, try to imagine it moving across your floors….crazy right? When your tires are not balanced, the other side of the tire has so much more pressure on it, because it is compensating for the unbalanced part.

Maybe Your Wheels Need To Be Aligned?

When your wheels have had the correct alignment, it makes sure that your tires and suspension are all lined up so that the weight of the car is evenly distributed throughout the car while you drive. If these different areas are not in alignment, it can cause your tires to wear unevenly. Not only that, your car’s parts will wear out, much faster. When parts wear out sooner than later, this can become expensive, especially when you are having suspension parts replaced.

I’m Guessing You Need To Have Your Tires Rotated

A lot of people honestly, think of rotating their tires as the last resort when taking care of their car and as something they can put off. Your tires need TLC and maintenance and this will include the rotation. If you will at least rotate your tires every 6,000 miles you can be confident that the tread will wear evenly and your tires will last so much longer.

If you ever have any questions about your tires or about what type of maintenance you should have on them or if you just need to understand what type of tire maintenance you need to get caught up on your schedule, call us at JTR Repair Lebanon in Lebanon, IN.

Photo by Cavanimages from getty images via Canva Pro

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