When you buy a new car, a part of you feels like you will have it forever. It is one of the biggest investments you will make over the course of a lifetime, and you want it to remain in as good of shape as the day it was driven off the lot. To do that, you will need to familiarize yourself with preventative maintenance and practice defensive driving, At JTR Repair Lebanon, we are proud to work with drivers to keep their cars running like new, and we have a few suggestions on how to do that.
Keep Up With Preventative Maintenance
One of the first things you should do with a new car when you get it home is go over the owner’s manuel. In addition to explaining all the different parts of your car and how they work, in the back you will find a complete list of preventative maintenance services and at which mile marks they should be performed. Sticking with this list is of the utmost importance, as letting your maintenance schedule lapse can almost immediately start to age your car prematurely. The most importance maintenance you can have performed is the oil change, which follows a strict schedule. Neglecting oil changes when they are due can result in engine damage or even total lockup, so familiarizing yourself with the schedules is key to keeping your car running like new.
Practice Defensive Driving
This is a big one – driving defensively and well will help keep your car running right. Avoiding accidents and road hazards are key to making that car last. Newer drivers have a wide array of classes and seminars available (and sometimes, these are required for licensing), and even seasoned drivers can sometimes use a little brushing up on their skills. No matter your driving experience, every driver could stand to be a little more careful out there.
Make An Appointment
The best thing you can do for your vehicle is bring it to the the team at JTR Repair Lebanon. If your car has any type of issue that prevents it from running at its fullest capacity, our team can find it, fix it, and get you back on the road before you know it. Just make an appointment and we will get your car running like you never thought possible.